Winners of Spring Bikini Competition 2021
Category: News
Here we go! The winners of this spring’s bikini competition are in and they’re quite a treat! These girls worked extra hard to make it to the top, investing time and money, training hard, eating right, getting tanned and fit for the contest. It’s a long and tough road, but definitely worth the effort. Especially when you win!

Though there can only one first-place winner, every contestant on Bikini Fanatics receives bikini points. These can be swapped for sexy micro bikinis and other swimwear. In the end, all our participants are winners in their own right. Why? Because they had the courage and determination to put their egos on the line and compete with other contestants. Nonetheless, thrilling as they might sound, bikini competitions aren’t for everyone. It takes a special kind of lady. These beautiful bikini fanatics are all champions in our book.
If you’re thinking about participating in our bikini competitions, we want to help every step of the way. We encourage all amateur bikini models to submit photos of themselves. But remember our rules: submissions should be mild and friendly, which means no nudity is allowed. Don’t worry, however, you can still get hot and creative with each shot! The perfect photo can win you first place.
Submissions that fail to follow the guidelines will be eliminated. Bikini Fanatics reserves the right to use submission photos for any type of promotion. Meanwhile, Bikini Fanatics members are allowed to vote once per day, with non-members allowed only one vote during the entire competition. As mentioned earlier, all contestants receive “bikini points” just for participating in the contest. The winner of the competition receives $200 and an equal amount of bikini points. After the competition concludes, bikini points are added to each account and the top winners receive their cash prize in the next month’s payout.
Here are the top 3 spots of this Spring 2021 bikini competition. The 1st place winner was DanishDelish, receiving a total of 153 votes. 2nd place belonged to wickedMeg and 3rd place was awarded to Nikola. Sign up to Bikini Fanatics and stay tuned to all our sexy bikini competitions! You too can be a winner and earn cool prizes!