Interview with LeeyaLovin
Category: Interviews
LeeyaLovin is a HotWife, bi-comfortable, swinger. She enjoys going on vacation, or to lifestyle parties with other HotWife couples. Her favorite thing about being a bikini fanatic is because Leeya is a bit of an exhibitionist so being on a beach or at a pool in a sheer bikini is a real thrill to her. She started adding a butt jewel with a g-string bikini bottom to make it even more revealing!

Have shooting content and uploading this to the public changed your perspective in regards to body confidence and did it make you feel more confident since?
“Oh yes! This has been such a confidence booster and sexual charge for my marriage it makes going anywhere an adventure and a chance to do a photo shoot in a new location. I recommend it to every woman!”

How many bikinis do you have?
“I haven't counted recently, but well over 100”
LeeyaLovin is a real bikini fanatic and we are very happy to have her within our community. BikiniFanatics is the perfect place for micro bikini babes, but when you are in the swingers lifestyle and love micro bikinis, BF is the place to be!Read the full interview, including sexy SFW pictures of LeeyaLovin right here. Log in or create your account for the wildest galleries and videos.