Interview with SammiStarfish
Category: Interviews
It's Saturday which means we have a brand new interview live on BikiniFanatics! This week we have the fit and body confident bikini babe Sammi Starfish who gave us a fantastic look inside her personal live, how she became a bikini fanatic and overall a great look into her personality.
Sammi joined the BF community early 2020 and although Covid made a lot of thing impossible due to the restrictions that came during the year, Sammi knew how to shot a lot of sexy content. Sammi loves to be in front of the camera, her full time job is recording her sexy lifestyle and wearing sexy bikinis. Her collection is growing every month and has always enjoyed posting nudes online. She says Bikini Fanatics is so different because we are a tight knit circle. It's an experience that she haven't seen on other sites. She says; “We don't see new girls as competition, we see them as new friends. It's an attitude that exists only here on BF. And that's really why I'm still here.”

How long have you been a bikini fanatic? How did you get started in it?
“My fascination with bikinis started with lingerie. Ever since I moved out on my own at 18 years old I have loved feeling sexy. Sometimes I would put on lingerie all by myself just to see how it looked. And I would imagine the reaction from the man I was with if he were to see me. This fetish grew and grew and expanded into risky beach trips in skimpy bikinis of course. I love seeing guys hide behind their sunglasses pretending they aren't looking. But of course we all know where those eyes are really pointed don't we?”

Have shooting content and uploading this to the public changed your perspective in regards to body confidence and did it make you feel more confident since?
“Shooting content has completely changed how I see myself. My body naturally likes to put all of my fat on my upper thighs and butt. And even though I spend hours in the gym and dedicate myself to fitness dieting I still have cellulite and "imperfections". But so many men have told me that those things that I disliked about my body are actually their favorite part. We women are so hard on ourselves and on each other. Men are much more accepting of our bodies and forgiving of those imperfections. In fact, the very thing we hate about our bodies is the very thing that men love so much. It is what makes us feminine. And femininity is just plain sexy.”
Read all 24 questions and answers right here, including some SFW pictures. Leave a comment at the end of the interview if you like it as much as we do!