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Interview - PKatie


Interview with Pkatie

Date: 02-04-2021

  • Hi Katie we are excited to have this interview with you and get to know you a little more. You joined the BikiniFanatics community in April 2019, what has been your best BF experience since you joined us?

    Thank you I'm too very so excited to having this my first interview on BikiniFanatics site. Since I'm first was joining BF it's grow so much and too there was huge upgrade on site. So it's really keep to getting better and better.

    My best experience since I'm was joining BF it's really to every time reading so good appreciate from my fans. I'm really love it to getting comments on my gallery and video and it's make me feeling really wet to know it how my fans are looking me and enjoy to my photos and videos.

  • How long have you been a bikini fanatic? How did you get started in it?

    Well I joined to BF when I'm was only 18 years old and even before then I was very love to wearing bikini on beach and very many guys was looking me too on vacation. Since 15 years old I'm working already fashions model and bikini model on fashions shows and catalogue. Now I'm very much more enjoyable this kind of modelling where I'm on control my own career. I was getting started on this because I very so enjoy to modelling and too enjoy to wearing bikini and especially that my fans enjoy to looking me.

  • Do you have more lifestyle fetishes? For example, high heels, latex, lingerie, foot fetishes or something like this?

    This it's very so good question. I think everyone it's having some fetish right? Of course my first fetish it's to wear bikini, especially on wet bikini. I love it when I know that guys are looking me. On fact it's my secret wish to make a kind of voyeur style video here on BF, like a game where my fans get to secret looking me. Too I love to wearing stockings and beautiful lingerie. With high heels I'm very so tall for most guys. I very love it when guys are worship to my feet and legs. I very like it too to looking nice guys also wearing tiny swimwear like Speedo or thong on the beach. Also I'm kind of very so interested to experiment in interracial sex and cuckold situation.

  • What is your favorite thing about being a bikini fanatic?

    It's too bad to say it earning money? Haha I'm only joke you. Of course I enjoy to making photos and videos and to publish it but it's too so important for me to gets this appreciate from my fans and to knowing they are really so good enjoy on all my efforts.

  • Do you ever shoot in public where people can watch? How does that make you feel?

    Yes I have made it many shoots on public and too previously on catwalk and fashion's show. I very so like it to knowing how guys there are enjoying to look. Every time on vacation when I'm shooting there always coming guys to look. Yet I don't ever was doing a naked shoot on public situation, maybe one day it will be. This next summer I'm playing vacation to Europe and I think there will be opportunity for this.

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  • Have shooting content and uploading this to the public changed your perspective in regards to body confidence and did it make you feel more confident since?

    This it's really good question. Many people might think it I'm young and beautiful and don't have this problem. But you know I very love it appreciate from my fans and especially when they are unlocked my private collection photos and videos it's really make me feeling so so good that someone love my work so much to supported me on this way. Also before I was worried about getting older but I'm very so like that on BF it's models from all ages and shapes body and every one it's beautiful.

  • How many bikinis do you have?

    Even I don't completely know it how many bikini I'm having. Definitely this it's more than 30 from different brands. I'm also recently signed as official model for A Swiss String bikini so there soon will being very many more photos and videos from this so beautiful brand. 

  • What is your ‘biggest’ bikini and what is your smallest bikini? Or as we call it, nano bikini? Please link us to the gallery you wearing it.

    Actually my smallest bikini which I'm making gallery with it it's one from A Swiss String. There more than one gallery and video wearing this and there will definitely being more. Also I'm more enjoy normal sized bikini which it's more transparent, for example my wicked weasel Aloha and Limonada one piece.

  • What's your favorite BF gallery so far and why? Link us!

    I don't can say exactly one gallery which it's my favourite. I like very so many my BF gallery. What it's most interesting for me it's to looking back my early gallery and to look it how I'm was developed as model in this bikini model profession. You can looking all my gallery something like my history as bikini model.

  • What makes a man sexy? What traits do you admire in a man?

    I don't so much looking age of my man, I like someone who is older than I'm. I like guy with strong body, strong hands and especially a strong tongue. Haha. Also I like it a man with so good character who also don't gets jealous when other guys are looking me or even chatting to me or more. I like it my freedom too.

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  • What makes a woman sexy? What traits do you admire in a woman?

    I'm very so like woman with index character who it's older than I'm. A woman who it's having more experience than I'm have in sex. Someone who it's brunette with big breasts. For example my friend Dashka, where there some gallery together with her here, or Eva M for example or also Ibi very so sexy.

  • Are you an animal lover? Are you a dog or cat person?

    Yes I'm really very so much animals lover. During this winter I'm adopted one street cat and was feed it and takes care it. So anyone who it's unlocked my private collection you are helpful for one pussy to being happy too. Also I'm having one very so beautiful and tiny chihuahua who it's called Oskar.

  • What do you do for a living?

    I'm student on finance and economics major with English language, so really to being BikiniFanatics model and fashion's model it's my job.

  • How often do you travel during the year?

    Last year was a little strange for traveling of course, but I was on vacation to the lakes in Ukraine and also three times to Egypt. On 2021 I'm very wanted to visit Europe, especially to Spain, Italy and Croatia and I'm will meeting some photographers also for very so amazing summer beach professional photo session.

  • What are your hobbies and interests?

    Really I'm so busy with my modelling and BF site, my pets and my university studies. When I'm very need to relax then I'm going to my granny house in the country and helping with her small farm. Also I'm so love fashion of course and photography. I'm recently was buying new camera Canon EOS250D so I'm learning too better how to use it, so my fans look out for more UHQ photos.

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  • What kind of music do you like?

    My music taste it's a really unusual, I like Russian and Ukrainian pop music and some other artists also. Sometimes I like to listen classical music, especially Tchaikovsky and to visited to ballet theatre.

  • What are your bikini sizes?

    My bikini size it's xs or xxs on everything. Bra cup it's A or B, I'm having small breasts but at least it's don't completely flat. I'm always wish to have it bigger breast.

  • What are your favorite holiday destinations?

    I'm very dreaming to visit Spain, Italy, Croatia and also Jamaica, Thailand and Mexico. Maybe one day it will be. And in summer also to Switzerland for it's fresh and clean nature, mountains and lakes. Maybe nude hiking and swimming it's allowed?

  • Do you have a boyfriend or are you married? How long are you together/married? And have you had many?

    I'm having boyfriend, I'm Katie and my boyfriend it's my P. On English language it's R. We now together more than 2 years and very so love each other, it's too very understanding and supportive my model and that I'm sometimes needed my freedom. I don't was have many boyfriends but enough.

  • Did you date a lot in high school?

    Yes of course. This it's time for sexual experimentation for everyone right? Especially I'm likely to dated more older guys or the most geeky and lonely guys on my class. I'm was feeling so sorry this cute and shy geeks.

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  • Do you do any sports?

    In your opinion sex it's a sports? In that case I'm exercises at least twice every day. Haha. Also I'm like it yoga and gym fitness. On winter I'm like to ice dancing.

  • What do you like sexually? What gets you wet?

    How much space I'm having for this answer? I'm at so good age to explore many new things and understand more many things in sex. Feeling like I'm only just starting. I very love it when guys are looking me and also I'm love it to reading so beautiful comments from my fans where it's say how it was so good enjoy to looking me. This it's making me so wet. I very love when my partner it's kiss my pussy (I call my pussy my heaven) and also suck my clit (this I'm calling it my button). Too I'm like to be very much in control in sex and very good and athletic riding my partner when it's lie on it's back.

  • What is your ultimate sexual fantasy?

    I'm very have this fantasy with two guys. One guy my partner who it's looking me experience very amazing sex with black guy.

  • Thank you so much for your time, I hope you enjoyed answering them. We do have one last questions though: What can we expect from you in the upcoming months? Thank you again and thank you for being #IamBikiniFanatic!

    I'm playing very more amazing beach bikini photo sessions, much more A Swiss String bikinis and smaller bikinis and also I'm will experiment with some new toys for you my fans. Thanks so much BikiniFanatics for your amazing and unique site!

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